Message from JESUS OF MERCY
April 13, 2008 through Chris Courtis,
a visionary in Maryland USA
My Dear and Beloved Children of My Father’s earth,
My Dear Ones, I come today to invite you to complete surrender and trust in Me. I have spoken very often of trust in Me, but yet you have very little trust in Me. Take small steps by reaching out to Me through prayer and by going to Mass, but the greatest and the biggest trust that you can give to Me is by going to Confession. I am Love and Mercy itself, and it is true I am present in the Blessed Sacrament and for Adoration, but My unconditional love and mercy is given to you through Confession.
You desire peace, My little ones. There I point the way to My peace, through Confession. How can I give you My love or My mercy when you will not open your heart to receive it, or even be willing to go to Confession to be forgiven of your sins? I have come to free you from the bondage of sin, but yet how many of My little ones desire to remain in bondage.
The door of My mercy is easily accessed through the door of Confession. My Mother is a key for you to opening that door through her merits, her graces, her beauty, her love, and her intercession for you. She will give you the strength to turn the key to open the doors and to confess with all your mind and with all your heart. Then you will truly be set free, and you will feel My love and mercy wash over you, and you will understand that I am in the Confessional, and it is I, myself, who absolves you and who extends to you My mercy and love unconditionally.
My message for the world is one of hope. If people repent and turn back to Me, I will save many souls. I will build a new ark in My mother’s heart, consecrated to God the Father’s Fatherly Sacred Heart, but I will only do this as long as the world responds to my invitation of love and mercy and peace. Do not think to yourself, “Tomorrow I have time to decide,” for I call you to decide right now where you stand and who you stand with. Go to Confession, receive forgiveness, and pray.
Never cease praying because through prayer there exists hope, hope from the Holy Spirit of renewal and peace. (He’s looking at every one. He’s looking around the room. He’s looking past the room.) My words of love and mercy and peace should be enough. If the world will not respond to these gifts, then I will be forced to show My Justice.
I love you, and I bless you all, and I take your prayers and your petitions into My Heart, and I will present them to My Father and your Father. And I bless you in My name, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Go in My peace.