Thursday, August 23, 2007


Our common experience testifies to the fact that the full and perfect Reign of God has not yet come. On the contrary, we are all too conscious of our shattered world in which so many moral evils, both personal and social, afflict the human race. (CFC #760)

Our words and deeds flow from our heart. We pray for the understanding of the disorders in our heart. We cannot successfully fight against symptoms unless we find the root cause of our ills. Much insight, and often the experience of others is needed to probe into the deeper layers of the human heart

Many of our attitudes towards others stem from deep-rooted feelings of insecurity and rejection, which may have their origin in long forgotten days of childhood.

Silent days of retreat and prayer lend themselves to deeper insights into our heart, to open it fully to the Lord. For Jesus advises us to, "Cast your burdens upon Me, those who are heavily laden, and I will give you rest."

Our life is woven into the context of the world. We are children of our time; the movements, aspirations and anxieties of the surrounding world affect us. Also our thinking and the values which determine our life are constantly influenced by the people and social structures around us.

To renew ourselves, we must have insight into the values, trends and movements which shape the world of today, the destructive powers, but also the promising aspirations of a young generation.

Father J. Neuner, SJ
Cebu City, Philippines